The February Faithful Questions is coming up – Lent and the Pandemic

The February Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “How can I make the most of Lent during the Pandemic?”

While there is hope more will open at Church during Lent, there is no doubt that what we can do at Church will still be limited. How then are we to make the most of Lent? In this talk, we will do our best to give creative ideas for making this Lent fruitful towards helping us embrace the spirit and goals of the season.

Click on the below link to watch the talk:

See you then!

The January Faithful Questions coming up – Just War

The January Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “Is it ever moral to go to war?”

The message of Christ emphasizes loving our enemy and turning the other cheek. As a result, many wonder if this means we should be pacifists. In this talk we’ll discuss both the history and the current Church teaching regarding whether or when a country can morally fight a war.

Click on the below link to watch the talk:

See you then!

December Faithful Questions coming up – Faith and Science

The December Faithful Questions is a week early this month, to avoid the Holy Day of Obligation and Solemnity for the Immaculate Conception of Mary on the 8th. (For clarity, the obligation is abrogated this year due to COVID-19.)

Thus this Month, Faithful Questions will be on Tuesday December 1st at 7:00 PM. The topic is “Is there a conflict between Faith and Science?”

Many of us struggle with whether there are conflicts between science and our faith. Are there scientific discoveries that are at odds with our Faith? If so, how am I to resolve that conflict? The talk aims to both put your mind at ease and help you better understand how our faith and scientific research can work together for the betterment of humanity.

Click on the below link to watch the talk:

See you then!

The November Faithful Questions talk is on Tues. Nov. 10th

It’s coming up quickly again… we’re just a week away as of this post. Here are the details:

Tuesday November 10th at 7 PM

What is the Theology of the Body?

If you look at polling of Catholics, one of the biggest areas that they struggle with is the Church teaching on sexuality. There are two ways to address this problem. One is topic by topic (abortion, birth control, sex outside of marriage, etc.). Saint Pope John Paul took the opposite approach and blessed the world with a holistic sexual theological framework that takes a broad-view look at the purpose and meaning of human sexuality. In this talk, I’ll do my best to give an extremely brief overview of that theology with the hope it will encourage Catholics to dig deeper into this great gift to the Church.


October Faithful Questions talk – Voting

On Tuesday October 13th we will have our next first Faithful Questions talk. Here are the details:

Title: How should I decide who to vote for?


With another contentious election just weeks away, many Catholics are unsure who they should vote for. Various voices within the Church give different answers. And so we are left to wonder, is there an official answer from the Church? And if not, how should our faith guide us when we are making our choices? In this talk, Deacon Ken will use the official documents of the Church to help answer these questions.

Head over to YouTube and watch it there via my channel:

Or watch via the below embedded video (although I expect the experience to be better over on YouTube):

Faithful Questions tomorrow night – Protestants

Tomorrow (Tuesday September 8th) is the first Faithful Questions talk of the fall season. Here are the details:

Title: How are Protestants different than Catholics?


Whenever there are two or more groups of people who don’t communicate sufficiently, it is inevitable that there will be misconceptions about each group. There will be misunderstandings about how people act, the way they talk and what they believe. Sadly, this is just as true between the various Christian denominations. In this talk, Deacon Ken will do his best to dispel the many misconceptions while still faithfully clarifying the notable differences that exist between various groups of Protestants and Catholics.

Head over to YouTube and watch it there via my channel:

Or watch via the below embedded video (although I expect the experience to be better over on YouTube):

Reached YouTube threshold for Custom URL

Woohoo! I’ve been trying to get to the 100 subscriber threshold for a while now, mostly because then I could get a “custom URL”… which means if you want to see my YouTube page you don’t have to go to:

Instead you can now go to (drum roll please…):

(for what it is worth, the cryptic link still works)

Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my YouTube channel. Now I can point people at my talks and homilies without having to go through verbal and/or textual gymnastics.

Double woohoo!

This week’s FQ: Mass

Tonight is the last of the summer series for Faithful Questions. It is titled “How can I make the most of Mass?”. Here’s the summary from YouTube:

Church documents consistently emphasize the greatness and the importance of Mass and the Eucharist. However, many average Catholics find Mass boring and uninteresting. Why is that? In this talk we’ll talk about how we can better see the beauty of the Mass and make it something we yearn for.

Tune in over on YouTube:

This week’s FQ: Homosexuality

After a week off for a vacation, the Faithful Question Summer series resumes tomorrow (Thursday August 6th) at 7 PM. The topic this week is homosexuality. Here’s the summary from YouTube:

There are many misconceptions about what our faith teaches about homosexuality. Deacon Ken will do his best to dispel those misunderstandings and give you comfort regarding God’s love for all His children. Whether you have family and friends who are gay or just want to better understand the Church’s teaching, this talk is for you.

So head over to the YouTube link and set a notification or (if it is time) to watch the live-stream:

This week’s FQ: Marriage!

The unrelented taskmaster that is time does not let up. It’s already a new week and thus time to think about another Faithful Questions session. This week’s topic is “How can I improve my marriage?”

Summary on YouTube:

Marriage is a great gift, but one that requires effort to maintain. Unfortunately, all too often, when people look to improve their marriages, they don’t look to the theology of the Church. In this Faithful Questions session we’ll look at the practical ways we can use Catholic theology to improve our marriages.

Marriage is a great gift, but one that requires effort to maintain. Unfortunately, all too often, when people look to improve their marriages, they don’t look to the theology of the Church. In this Faithful Questions session we’ll look at the practical ways we can use Catholic theology to improve our marriages.

Go over to YouTube to set a reminder or (if it’s time) to watch the Live-Stream: