December Faithful Questions coming up – Faith and Science

The December Faithful Questions is a week early this month, to avoid the Holy Day of Obligation and Solemnity for the Immaculate Conception of Mary on the 8th. (For clarity, the obligation is abrogated this year due to COVID-19.)

Thus this Month, Faithful Questions will be on Tuesday December 1st at 7:00 PM. The topic is “Is there a conflict between Faith and Science?”

Many of us struggle with whether there are conflicts between science and our faith. Are there scientific discoveries that are at odds with our Faith? If so, how am I to resolve that conflict? The talk aims to both put your mind at ease and help you better understand how our faith and scientific research can work together for the betterment of humanity.

Click on the below link to watch the talk:

See you then!

The November Faithful Questions talk is on Tues. Nov. 10th

It’s coming up quickly again… we’re just a week away as of this post. Here are the details:

Tuesday November 10th at 7 PM

What is the Theology of the Body?

If you look at polling of Catholics, one of the biggest areas that they struggle with is the Church teaching on sexuality. There are two ways to address this problem. One is topic by topic (abortion, birth control, sex outside of marriage, etc.). Saint Pope John Paul took the opposite approach and blessed the world with a holistic sexual theological framework that takes a broad-view look at the purpose and meaning of human sexuality. In this talk, I’ll do my best to give an extremely brief overview of that theology with the hope it will encourage Catholics to dig deeper into this great gift to the Church.
