Next FQ session posted on YouTube
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube: 7 PM this Thursday (6/4/2020). Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube: 7 PM this Thursday (6/4/2020). Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.
If you were able to attend the live-stream, please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Final reminder: If you want to know more about the Eucharist, tonight is the night. You can attend via live-stream on YouTube:
You can download the slides here:
I’m thinking of having a weekly summer series for Faithful Questions this year. Answer the survey to let me know your interest:
If you were able to go to the live-stream last night, please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Here are the slides from Tuesday’s Faithful Question talk on keeping our children Catholic:
Thank you to everyone who watched the live-stream. For those who attended, in addition to taking the survey, feel free to use the comment section for this blog post to give any feedback.
We will figure out some other way than YouTube comments next time to submit questions. Apparently a lot of viewers couldn’t get that to work.
Due to COVID-19, the regularly scheduled Faithful Questions session has been moved to a YouTube live-stream. Tune in next Tuesday 4/14 at 7 PM for the talk title “How can I keep my kids Catholic?”
Here are the slides from Tuesday’s Faithful Question talk on Confession:
Thank you to everyone who came. It is still my sincere desire to get the videos of my events posted, so you can share them with your friends and family. This is 4th in the list.
Thank you to everyone who came to my March Faithful Questions talk. I hope you enjoyed yourself. To that end, you can help me improve by answering the Satisfaction Survey:
Here are the slides from Tuesday’s Faithful Question talk on homosexuality:
Thank you to everyone who came. I hope to get caught up on my backlog of videos in the next month and this one is 3rd in line to be created/posted, so stay tuned.
Did you attend the February Faithful Questions talk on the topic of homosexuality? If so, please take the satisfaction survey so that I can continue to improve the talk:
A new feature of the website is the ability to take surveys so that I can better judge how I’m doing. If you went to the Faithful Questions session on January 14th, 2020, titled “How can I improve my marriage?” please do me a favor and take the survey:
Please don’t fear giving honest feedback even if you think it might be a bit harsh. I can’t improve things if I don’t know what people don’t like. 🙂
I’m getting better! It only took me 9 days this time to get the slides posted:
I was very happy with the attendance at the presentation and hope those of you who came found the talk both valuable and entertaining. Make sure to check back soon for a survey about your experience.
As far as posting video, here are my goals:
Next Tuesday, January 14th, is the next Faithful Questions session. This month’s question is “How can I improve my marriage?”
Like last month we will have snacks and childcare.
This promises to be an informative and helpful session, so come next Tuesday, January 14th, at 7 PM in the Morris Hall.
I promised at the presentation over 4 weeks ago that I’d have these slides published “tomorrow”. Oops! Sorry about that. Nevertheless, I think I’m safer saying “better late than never” for these slides. In any case, here are the slide from the December Faithful Questions session titled “Is there a conflict between faith and science?”
This was a repeat and slightly updated edition of a presentation from both Ministry Days 2019 and from a 2018 Faithful Questions session.
My hope is to have video of this posted in the next few days, before the January session on the 14th.
I know this is ridiculously late and really testing the principle of “better late than never”, but here are the slides from my November Faithful Question session titled “Why do we have the Liturgical Year?”
I do have video for this session and it’s currently 3rd in line to get turned into a YouTube video. Hopefully I can get it done by the end of January.
I know this is ridiculously late and really testing the principle of “better late than never”, but here are the slides from my October Faithful Question session titled “What does the Church teach about the death penalty?”
Sadly the video from this session didn’t turn out very well, so there may never be a video of it. When I get to it, I’ll see what I can do.
Tonight is the 1st of the 2019-2020 Faithful Question seminar. The topic is “How can I make the most of Mass?” It’s at 7 PM in the Morris Center at St. Clare in Roseville. Hopefully you can make it.
And for those who are interested, here are the slides I’ll be using:
I’ve posted the slides for yesterday’s Faithful Questions session, which was a general Question and Answer session:
OK, I know this is ridiculously late. I stumbled across the “finish line” of my Holy Week activities and April Faithful Questions session and then more or less collapsed for a week. It didn’t help that I caught some respiratory bug right about that time. By the time I started being productive again, I had a big backlog of things I needed to get done and thus posting the slides is now 2 1/2 weeks late.
In any case, here are the slides: