Yet again I’m running late! Tonight is faithful Questions. The topic is “How do I overcome my habitual sins?”
Each of us have our sins that have tortured us for years. Often we reach a point where we give up. In this talk purposely saved for Lent, Deacon Ken will do his best offer encouragement as well as some ideas for how we start to make progress on overcoming the sins which have tempted and tortured us the most.
Like last month, this will be a dual in-person and live-stream event. For those in the Roseville area, you can come in-person and have the level of interaction and comradery that can only be had in person. Plus, we’ll have refreshments! For those who are far away or otherwise can’t make it to St. Clare in Roseville, never-fear, we’re keeping the live-stream to watch either live or after the fact.
So, we’ll see you at 7 PM in the Morris Hall at St. Clare or we’ll see you online… click on the below link to watch the talk: