Faithful Questions Seminar
Faithful Questions tomorrow night – Protestants
Tomorrow (Tuesday September 8th) is the first Faithful Questions talk of the fall season. Here are the details:
Title: How are Protestants different than Catholics?
Whenever there are two or more groups of people who don’t communicate sufficiently, it is inevitable that there will be misconceptions about each group. There will be misunderstandings about how people act, the way they talk and what they believe. Sadly, this is just as true between the various Christian denominations. In this talk, Deacon Ken will do his best to dispel the many misconceptions while still faithfully clarifying the notable differences that exist between various groups of Protestants and Catholics.
Head over to YouTube and watch it there via my channel:
Or watch via the below embedded video (although I expect the experience to be better over on YouTube):
Take the August 13th Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “How can I make the most of Mass?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
This week’s FQ: Mass
Tonight is the last of the summer series for Faithful Questions. It is titled “How can I make the most of Mass?”. Here’s the summary from YouTube:
Church documents consistently emphasize the greatness and the importance of Mass and the Eucharist. However, many average Catholics find Mass boring and uninteresting. Why is that? In this talk we’ll talk about how we can better see the beauty of the Mass and make it something we yearn for.
Tune in over on YouTube:
This week’s FQ: Homosexuality
After a week off for a vacation, the Faithful Question Summer series resumes tomorrow (Thursday August 6th) at 7 PM. The topic this week is homosexuality. Here’s the summary from YouTube:
There are many misconceptions about what our faith teaches about homosexuality. Deacon Ken will do his best to dispel those misunderstandings and give you comfort regarding God’s love for all His children. Whether you have family and friends who are gay or just want to better understand the Church’s teaching, this talk is for you.
So head over to the YouTube link and set a notification or (if it is time) to watch the live-stream:
Take the July 23rd Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “How can I improve my marriage?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
This week’s FQ: Marriage!
The unrelented taskmaster that is time does not let up. It’s already a new week and thus time to think about another Faithful Questions session. This week’s topic is “How can I improve my marriage?”
Summary on YouTube:
Marriage is a great gift, but one that requires effort to maintain. Unfortunately, all too often, when people look to improve their marriages, they don’t look to the theology of the Church. In this Faithful Questions session we’ll look at the practical ways we can use Catholic theology to improve our marriages.
Marriage is a great gift, but one that requires effort to maintain. Unfortunately, all too often, when people look to improve their marriages, they don’t look to the theology of the Church. In this Faithful Questions session we’ll look at the practical ways we can use Catholic theology to improve our marriages.
Go over to YouTube to set a reminder or (if it’s time) to watch the Live-Stream:
Take the July 16th Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “Why do we have the Liturgical Year?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Next Faithful Questions session schedule – Liturgical Year
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube. It’s next Thursday (7/16/2020) at 7 PM and is titled “Why do we have the Liturgical Year?”:
Everybody loves to celebrate Christmas and Easter. Many of us find meaning in Lent. Yet far fewer understand how all the seasons fit together. Advent, Lent, Ordinary Time, Christmas and Easter seasons after the holiday… what does it all mean? In this talk we’ll show how it these season interlock, the flow that is intended, and how we can make the most of each Church season.
Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.:
Take the July 2nd Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “Why do we confess to a priest?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Faithful Questions tonight – Confession
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube. It’s tonight (7/2/2020) at 7 PM and is titled “Why do we confess to priest?”
The Sacrament of Confession can be very intimidating, even to those who go somewhat frequently. A part of that angst comes from having to confess to a Priest in a small private room. Why do we do that? Is it supposed to be so intimidating? Can’t we just confess our sins straight to God? Isn’t He the one who does the forgiving? We’ll discuss these questions and many more in this Faithful Questions session.
Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.:
Take the June 25th Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “Did God change between the Old and New Testaments?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
New FQ promo video
I think Faithful Questions could have a much broader audience now than it currently reaches. To that end, I created a promotional video for the current summer 2020 weekly series. Please share it with all of your contacts. Let’s put social media to work for us!
Faithful Questions tonight – Old vs. New Testament
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube. It’s tonight (6/25/2020) at 7 PM and is titled “Did God change between the Old and New Testaments?”
There are those who see the arrival of Jesus, and the scripture that results, as a massive change from before. As a result, one might wonder if this means God changed. In this talk we’ll discuss the possibility of God changing and what the Church teaches.
Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.:
Take the June 18th Faithful Questions satisfaction survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “”Can my non-Catholic friend go to Heaven?”” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Faithful Questions tonight – Going to Heaven
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube. It’s tonight (6/18/2020) at 7 PM and is titled “Can my non-Catholic friend go to Heaven?” Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.
Take the June 11th Faithful Questions survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “What does the Church teach about the Death Penalty?” please fill out the satisfaction survey:
Faithful Questions tonight – Death Penalty
This week’s Faithful Questions video has been scheduled/listed over on YouTube. It’s tonight (6/11/2020) at 7 PM. Go over there to set a reminder, get the link, etc.
Take the June 4th Faithful Questions survey
If you were able to attend the live-stream titled “Are the Jews responsible for the death of Jesus?” please fill out the satisfaction survey: