Once you’ve had a chance to watch the September 2021 Faithful Questions talk titled ‘What does the Church teach about vaccines?’, please take the Satisfaction Survey:
The September Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday September 21st at 7 PM. The topic is “What does the Church teach about vaccines?”
The Covid-19 vaccine has re-ignited questions about the morality of vaccines. In this talk we’ll walk through all the various issues, both in general and the Covid-19 vaccine specifically. We’ll further discuss what the Church teaches and what we leave to the scientific community to answer.
Like last month, this will be a dual in-person and live-stream event. For those in the Roseville area, you can come in-person and have the level of interaction and comradery that can only be had in person. For those who are far away or otherwise can’t make it to St. Clare in Roseville, never-fear, we’re keeping the live-stream to watch either live or after the fact.
Every year we like to understand what will help make Faithful Questions better. That’s everything from what topics we will present to what sort of extras (like refreshments or child-care) we should provide.
Once you’ve had a chance to watch the Augst 2021 Faithful Questions talk titled ‘How can young adults keep their faith?’, please take the Satisfaction Survey:
The August Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday August 10th (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “How can young adults keep their faith?”
The most challenging time for a person’s faith is when they first live on their own. In this talk we’ll discuss the value of keeping a strong faith as well as strategies to help during this pivotal time. Parents: Bring your teens. Young adults: Bring your friends. Everyone else: Come learn how you can mentor the young people in your life.
The great news is that we are now able to have in-person attendance. Yes, that’s right… after a 17 month hiatus of live-stream only events, we’re able to have in-person events. But for those who are far away or otherwise can’t make it to St. Clare in Roseville, never-fear, we’re keeping the live-stream. This will be a dual in-person and live-stream event!
The May Faithful Questions is tonight! The topic is “How can I improve my prayer life?”
A good prayer life is critical to our faith and studies have shown improves our mental health. In this talk, we’ll discuss many different forms of prayer, their value and purpose as well as how to integrate them together into robust prayer life that will bring us closer to God.
The April Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “Is the Bible the word of God?”
The Bible is an immensely complicated work with many different human authors and literary styles. To compound the confusion, it is referred to as ‘written by God’. In this talk, we’ll discuss how to read the Bible and how to understand it’s divine authorship.
I shared a number of links at the March 16th Faithful Questions talk about bringing our adult children back to the faith. Here they are in one easy reference place:
Once you’ve had a chance to watch the March 2021 Faithful Questions talk about bringing our adult children back to the Church, please take the Satisfaction Survey:
The March Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday at 7 PM. The topic is “How can I bring my adult children back to the Church?”
Many of us have children who have stopped practicing our faith or worse, left it entirely. And to add insult to injury, too frequently our attempts to talk to our children are counter-productive and end up pushing them further from the Church. In this talk, Deacon Ken will do his best to give an entirely new framework for how we can more productively re-evangelize our adult children.
The February Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “How can I make the most of Lent during the Pandemic?”
While there is hope more will open at Church during Lent, there is no doubt that what we can do at Church will still be limited. How then are we to make the most of Lent? In this talk, we will do our best to give creative ideas for making this Lent fruitful towards helping us embrace the spirit and goals of the season.
The January Faithful Questions is almost here! It’s next Tuesday (the regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the Month) at 7 PM. The topic is “Is it ever moral to go to war?”
The message of Christ emphasizes loving our enemy and turning the other cheek. As a result, many wonder if this means we should be pacifists. In this talk we’ll discuss both the history and the current Church teaching regarding whether or when a country can morally fight a war.
The December Faithful Questions is a week early this month, to avoid the Holy Day of Obligation and Solemnity for the Immaculate Conception of Mary on the 8th. (For clarity, the obligation is abrogated this year due to COVID-19.)
Thus this Month, Faithful Questions will be on Tuesday December 1st at 7:00 PM. The topic is “Is there a conflict between Faith and Science?”
Many of us struggle with whether there are conflicts between science and our faith. Are there scientific discoveries that are at odds with our Faith? If so, how am I to resolve that conflict? The talk aims to both put your mind at ease and help you better understand how our faith and scientific research can work together for the betterment of humanity.
On Tuesday October 13th we will have our next first Faithful Questions talk. Here are the details:
Title: How should I decide who to vote for?
With another contentious election just weeks away, many Catholics are unsure who they should vote for. Various voices within the Church give different answers. And so we are left to wonder, is there an official answer from the Church? And if not, how should our faith guide us when we are making our choices? In this talk, Deacon Ken will use the official documents of the Church to help answer these questions.
Head over to YouTube and watch it there via my channel: