Reached YouTube threshold for Custom URL

Woohoo! I’ve been trying to get to the 100 subscriber threshold for a while now, mostly because then I could get a “custom URL”… which means if you want to see my YouTube page you don’t have to go to:

Instead you can now go to (drum roll please…):

(for what it is worth, the cryptic link still works)

Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my YouTube channel. Now I can point people at my talks and homilies without having to go through verbal and/or textual gymnastics.

Double woohoo!

This week’s FQ: Mass

Tonight is the last of the summer series for Faithful Questions. It is titled “How can I make the most of Mass?”. Here’s the summary from YouTube:

Church documents consistently emphasize the greatness and the importance of Mass and the Eucharist. However, many average Catholics find Mass boring and uninteresting. Why is that? In this talk we’ll talk about how we can better see the beauty of the Mass and make it something we yearn for.

Tune in over on YouTube:

This week’s FQ: Homosexuality

After a week off for a vacation, the Faithful Question Summer series resumes tomorrow (Thursday August 6th) at 7 PM. The topic this week is homosexuality. Here’s the summary from YouTube:

There are many misconceptions about what our faith teaches about homosexuality. Deacon Ken will do his best to dispel those misunderstandings and give you comfort regarding God’s love for all His children. Whether you have family and friends who are gay or just want to better understand the Church’s teaching, this talk is for you.

So head over to the YouTube link and set a notification or (if it is time) to watch the live-stream: